There are many Christians, amongst them also Pastors and Elders, in the congregation of the Lord who are fasting and praying under great aspiration, because the Rebirth cannot be found.
I once spoke in 1988 with an elder from my previous church “The Bethel” in Arnhem (The Netherlands) and asked him whether he had been born again out of the spirit. Immediately I could read the disappointment on his face, because he was already 80 years old. He knew who I was, a Son of God and a speaker about the Rebirth. He had been searching for 50(!) years for this mystery. I was very sad when I heard his story and have prayed for him and brought him details, how to obtain the right insights to get this mystery. But unfortunately, death overtook him. He is now a beautiful angel in the armies of God the Father.
He has converted his heart and was baptized. He is a true Christian in God. But when one of the journalists (a Christian) asked him whether he had been born again, he had to admit he was not. Already more than 36(!) years passed and he is still battling with himself when it comes to the Rebirth out of the spirit.
After his conversion in aug.1979, he released his long-awaited LP/CD: “Slow Train Coming”.
This was his first Christian album.
(Jakob Lorber “Letters from Jesus and Abgarus” page 48)
See: Jakob Lorber on the Net! “New Revelation“
“Search for the large (Rebirth), which is My Kingdom, then you will also befall the small of this world. But when you look for the small, then you would be considered not to be not worthy of the large.” (Jakob Lorber “Words of Jesus” page 9)
Eq. (Matthew 6:33) “But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.”
When it concerns the Rebirth, one is totally dependent on the Holy Spirit.“Yet to all who received Him, to them gave He power to become children (sons) of God…” (Joh.1:12) This power is the Holy Spirit.
1) The ordinary conversion and all those who have conquered their conversion through trouble and doubt, because Jesus surely saves man from his earlier views.
2) Underwater baptism, only valid while fully immersed.
3) Being freed from his sins or be freed from demons with the help of Christians and the Holy Spirit himself. See: (Matth.12:28) “But if I cast out devils by the Spirit of God, demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.” This is not the Rebirth.
4) The ability to speak in tongues or in several other languages, with or without translation.
5) The ability to prophesy (prophecies) or other gifts.
6) The ability to see and talk with angels.
7) The attainment of Celestial experiences! (Visions)
All this can only be experienced after a conversion. But the Rebirth, the sonship of God is thus not yet obtained. In other words, the Rebirth of the spirit is an experience that surpasses a conversion many times, one can say 1000s of times.
Although these mentioned experiences are already seen as miraculous by the convert and can influence and completely control his life, without a previous warning, he will never know, or suspect that, to him or her, the Rebirth out of the spirit has not yet occurred.
1) Can you still remember the day of your conversion?
2) How many months or years later were you baptized?
3) How many years after the underwater baptism have you come to an understanding of the Rebirth?
4) What brought you to this understanding of the Rebirth? Was it a book, an experience, a witness, a film, a vision, or is it told by Jesus himself? (John 3:3)
See: (Ephes.6:10-20), (2 Petr.2:10), (Rev.3:18) and (Rev.12:2) Trial by fire!
5) How long have you been praying for this mystery (John 1:12), before you could be reborn out of the spirit through Trial by fire?
6) Then the experience itself! What were you thinking, at the time the Trial by fire broke out?
See (Titus 3:5b) “..the washing of rebirth…” (The Trial by fire!)
7) How many hours did the Trial by fire last? At what time of day the Rebirth broke out? Was that in the morning, afternoon, evening or night? (Ephes.6:13) “..the evil day…”
8) How many months or years later, after the Trial by fire, you have come to the full awareness of the Rebirth? Please refer to (Rev.2:26-28). A Giant wakes up!
9) Did you give a testimony on this mystery afterwards? To whom did you tell, to a convert, to a Deacon, to a preacher or to a pastor? How did they respond and what were their opinions?
If you are reading this, you have to admit that the Rebirth out of the spirit is a very great experience and quite complicated and so well hidden that virtually no one can understand the essence of this mystery, unless only by insight. Eq. (Luke.22:32). Jesus said to Peter, “Simon, Simon, behold, ..I have prayed for you, that your faith may not fail; and you, when once you have turned again, strengthen your brothers.”
Peter, in the 1st degree of his knowledge was already more than converted. But insights into the 2nd degree he could not yet understand by then. He had to wait for the coming of the Holy Spirit.
(John 1:12) “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God…”
(Phil.2:15) “..that you may be blameless and innocent, children of God without blemish in the midst of a crooked and twisted generation, among whom you shine as lights (Stars) in the world.”
(Openb.3:12) “Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God.”
(Psalm 114:4) “The mountains skipped like rams, and the little hills like lambs.”
(Rom.8:19) “For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God.”
According (Matth.11:12) are all these Forces and Powers, who manage to handle in the 2nd and 3rd degree of Fire knowledge, that no one among the Christians who live in the 1st degree of their ability, can tolerate.
Mind you, these are not a sheep. A sheep or lamb, is a convert. A Son of God cannot possibly be compared to a sheep. A sheep can get lost, but the Son of God no more. A worldly person who seizes the grace and converts his heart in peace, is in no sense a tyrant. A tyrant is he who withstood the 1st Trial by Fire! (Ephesians 6:13) “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, to be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
There is in a Christians life but one Evil day. Namely, that of (Rev.12:2) “And she being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered.”
Paul calls this; “..the bath of rebirth”. (Titus 3:5b) “He saved us, not on the basis of deeds which we have done in righteousness, but according to His mercy, by the washing of regeneration and renewing by the Holy Spirit…”
This is the “Trial by fire”. Who experiences all of this, is truly a tyrant! Eq. (Matthew 11:12) “And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.”
(Ephesians 6:13) “Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.”
There is in a Christian life but one evil day. Namely, that of (Rev.12:2) “And she, being with child cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be delivered…”
This is the “Trial by fire.” Whoever experiences this, is truly a violent! Eq. (Matth.11:12) “..the kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force.”
(Rev.12:5) “And she brought forth a son, a male child, who will rule all the nations with an iron rod; and her child was caught up unto God and His throne.”
This child represents the Sons of God. And many of them have the iron rod!
The iron Rod can only be carried by a Son of God and by the Oalim and must be obtained separately and does not come together with the achievement of the Rebirth of the spirit. This is a very great merit that only can be achieved by another trial and struggle. The iron Rod must be obtained separately!
The Bride is not in the running for the iron Staff. She lives in love and is not a warrior of God. With the Rebirth out of the spirit two types of forces are born; one is born in love and the other is a warrior of God! This one is a Son of God, pursuing the law with love and determination. Only a warrior can achieve the level of Oalim.
Practically nobody among the converts can see this mystery so easily. If you have never known anything about this, where will you start?
The Rebirth out of the spirit is a rare experience and cannot be achieved by every Christian. Out of 1000s, there are at most a few who can achieve this level.
During 1988, I was in a Full Gospel Church “The Bethel” in Arnhem (Netherlands), a church of mostly Indonesian people. Out of ±800 Christians were but five Christians who were reborn out of the spirit. 5(!) Sons of God from a community of 800 Christians, that is really a lot! It is almost unbelievable. And as long as this church has existed, it has only brought forth one Bride, truly. And this was the wife of the pastor himself. I saw this fact at first in 1990 when I walked up to her. Immediately I told her that she was the Bride of Jesus. She was amazed because she had not told anyone, not even her own husband! Nobody knew. I then told her all the details that concern the Bride of the Lord and never before she heard such beautiful things. It is also not mentioned in the Bible. Everything I had told her was what she had been through. She would at long last obtain seven(!) Thrones, before she herself was picked up by the Lord.
A Throne is a King’s Mantle. Think of the King’s Mantle of our Dutch King Willem Alexander. A King’s Mantel with many Lions embroidered in it. It’s very impressive! And she, the Bride of the Lord, obtained seven(!) different Thrones.
(Rev.2:26-27) “And he who overcomes, and keeps my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations; and he shall rule them with a rod of iron… ”
“..who Overcomes…” concerns the Rebirth. This one had once been a proselyte, but is now a Son of God. He can never fall again! Eq. (2 Petr.1:10-11) “diligent therefore all the more brothers to confirm your calling and election, for if you do this, you will never stumble. For in this way you will be richly granted entry into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
“And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head…”
This woman is the Bride of Jesus. Clothed with the sun means; she is born again out of the spirit. The meaning of the moon indicates; that man finds himself very beautiful. The twelve stars above her head, stand for the twelve commandments of God. These are the Ten Commandments of Moses and another two commandments that Jesus has added. In total twelve commandments.
(Matth.22:34-40) The two commandments. “When the Pharisees heard that he had put the Sadducees to silence, they came together and one of them, a lawyer, asked, to test him: Master, which is the great commandment in the law? He said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and foremost commandment. The second is like it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments depend the whole law and the prophets.”
See also (Matthew 19:19) Here, Jesus tells the rich young man: “..hold on to the commandments…” – “..honor thy father and thy mother: and thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself.”
Inside the church of the Lord the legacy (sonship) of God is hidden. “Yet to all who received him, to them He gave power to become children (sons) of God to be…” (John 1:1-2). Eq. (1 Peter 1:12), (John 3:3-5), (2 Peter 1:10), (Titus 3:5-7) and (Rev. 2:26-28).
This particular experience has lasted for almost 2,000 years and can only be achieved on Earth! For only through the power of the Holy Spirit it can happen that the convert can be overwhelmed through the understanding of the Rebirth out of the spirit in such manner, that all previous obtained experiences will pale into insignificance!
(Matthew 24:4-5) “And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ and shall deceive many.”
On the basis of this report, you already know exactly who I am in reality. Because know this, that all my trophies and knowledge I have obtained in the name of Jesus. Without the power of the Holy Spirit is truly impossible to be reborn out of the spirit. Because, after all, the Holy Spirit is the Queen Mother! And She alone knows how you can walk the racecourse of Paul. Because this road has many obstacles! (1 Cor.9:24) “Know you not that they who run in a race all run, but only one receives the prize? So run, that you may obtain.”
This finish means the Rebirth out of the spirit. This is not about one person, but about many converts, all of whom will win the first prize! This price is obtaining the sonship of God.
After 40 years, the convert has made such a progress in the Sanctification that he has become an angel. Of all his memories, such as his youth and life, finding God the Father and Jesus, he will not know more than that he was born on the planet Earth and as such comes from there.
Converts having one or more Pounds (work), but without understanding (2nd degree) or any belief in Rebirth, they are being alongside the racecourse. For he who enters the racecourse, will perform something.
A convert steps into the racecourse. They are still all randomly mixed together. All these converts have not yet received any insight, but already know that they have not been born again out of the spirit, and they are already on the racetrack! The racecourse gives them some assurance. Therefore he stands already on the right track. But, when is the go-ahead to run?
Only when a convert obtains the insight (2nd degree) of the Rebirth, the race has begun and not before. Because this understanding is the go-ahead and the Holy Spirit is his guide, trying to keep the rider on the right track. Everyone starts for himself when the time comes. But the finish is invisible to the runner himself. Everyone runs for himself and when the time has come, he himself determines the finish line. For where is the finish line and how long is the race track? Jesus had enough with one day. After His water baptism, that same evening, He experienced the Rebirth out of the spirit! And so He became the firstborn Son of God the Father. Another requires several days, weeks or a month. I ran this race course in three months. Another will take a year or even longer. And yet another does it in 40 years! You can see now how long this race course can be for very many of those who started the race by the power of the insight of the Rebirth!
(Hebrews 12:1) “Therefore, we also, now we have such a great cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which does so easily get in the way and run with endurance the race that lies before us.”
Here Paul encourages all true Christians of God, to do their level best and achieve the Rebirth (sonship of God). For they run, but not everyone reaches the finish line. Many have to give up before time because of the length of their lives. And the finish of the Rebirth is gone forever. However, the kingdom of heaven is already achieved. And all these converts are like the angels.
See: “A vision of heaven” – (Dutch)
A convert on the racetrack. The special feature is that all these converts have obtained a faith, and therefore have to admit that they have not yet experienced the Rebirth out of the spirit. They are all in the inner circle of the racecourse. Whoever obtains an understanding of the Rebirth gets into the racecourse and the race has begun. The race to the finish line of the Rebirth is reserved only for those, who are like a child. (Luke 18:16-17) “Allow the little children come unto me and forbid them not; for of such is the Kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter..”
Outside of the stadium are those who do not have the insight of the Rebirth (the big school children) and did not want to believe that they yet have to be born again out of the spirit. They think all has already been achieved. (Rev.3:17) They even think to be the Bride of Jesus! It’s all for free, they say. You just have to believe it. However, they are surrounded by Demons and Devils, who keep a close eye on them! All these stubborn converts know nothing of a stadium and of a racecourse. Because only herein the finish line of the Rebirth can be achieved.
Whoever comes to understanding outside the stadium and comes to believe that with him indeed Rebirth has not yet been found, he (the convert) steps directly inside the stadium and finds himself suddenly in the midst of all the other converts who have the same faith. They interchange thoughts and discuss how to obtain this mystery. If through such a conversation one comes to insight in the 2nd degree, he automatically enters the racecourse and he has also started the race. In case a convert out of the stadium also obtains the insight in the 2nd degree he is admitted immediately at the racecourse and starts the race at once.
If it happens that a convert drops out and stops his race, then he steps off the track and leaves the stadium. Now it happens that he will be surrounded by demons, who are extremely pleased with this quitting and they begin to claim him by imposing upon him a way of thinking that must be able to crush his mind. This period of time (up to 1 hour) has been described as indicated in (Rev.12:2) “..and she was pregnant and cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”
The inheritance only concerns the mystery of the Rebirth to obtain the sonship of God.
See some more knowledge in the second degree. Nicodemus was also overtaken by it. So you should not be surprised with the following.
The “Bride” enrobed with the power of a sun emanates from the 2nd degree.
The “Bride of the Lord” emanates from the church of God. See (Revelation 12:1).
The level of the ‘Oalim’ is greater than that of the Bride. The Oalim is the highest level in the 3rd degree achieved by the Sons of God. The Oalim has a power of 1000(!) suns. Whoever achieves this level, will be called the Lion of the Abedam. Jesus is the Lion of Judah. But He is also the lion of the Abedam. After all, Jesus is the Oalim. “Abedam” is one of the first names of God the Father. The ‘Oalim’ is the Morning Star. Eq. (Rev.22:16).
See graphic: “The seven heavens of God” – (Dutch
Jesus, in the first 30 years of his life, lived in the 1st degree of His capacity. After the water baptism, still on the same evening, the Lord achieved the level in the 2nd degree by obtaining the Rebirth out of the spirit. During the next three years, the Lord had the level of 2nd degree as the firstborn Son of God. In the court of Gethsémane (one day before his death), he achieved the level of the Oalim! (3rd degree) and so became equal to the Father. For God the Father is the Oalim. Surely not everyone can tolerate this knowledge. Who can grasp it, let him grasp it.
(Matthew 24:20) The Winter and the Sabbath. I was so happy that a brother asked me about this explanation at such a high level. But.., is it legitimate? Is it justified? A truth hidden in the 2nd degree of knowledge cannot be tolerated by the Christians. It is only Jesus who can redeem a convert out of the 1st degree of his tolerance. Many are stuck in their belief in the 1st degree. They will never accept any knowledge in the 2nd degree unless they are like a child. But unfortunately, those are few. Eq. (Marc.10:13 and Luke 18:17) “Verily I say unto you, Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.”
(John 3:3) “Jesus answered and said to Nicodemus: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Nicodemus was the only one to whom Jesus made known the mystery of the Rebirth. The second time Jesus spoke about a small part of this mystery was when he talked with Peter. After that it has hardly been even possible to explain this mystery in full.
For the converts/sheep of God, I try to write even more clearly to make the understanding of the Rebirth more comprehensible to the convert. But no matter how I prayed for some more insight, the Lord showed me always that only by obtaining an insight into the 2nd degree, the Rebirth can be seen. There can be found no other explanation outside of this that brings you to such great insight, other than to see the Rebirth. That is not possible.
See how wise and spiritual Nicodemus was already and yet he was unable to comprehend what the Lord meant. Nicodemus was ecclesiastically very well studied. He was, so to say, a top theologian. A mentally higher level, at that time however did not exist. Jesus needed him for this conversation. But no matter how the Lord tried to explain the necessity of the Rebirth, Nicodemus was unable to see what Jesus meant. It is almost certain that this conversation has never left his mind. Otherwise John would not have made any note of it. See: (John 3:1-21). And whether Nicodemus has ever achieved the Rebirth is for many converts still questionable. For this mystery is hidden in the 2nd degree. And only the Sons of God know that Nicodemus, years later, indeed achieved the Rebirth out of the spirit. But it is important to know that he had enough insight to see that in case of a possible doubt about his conversion, at least he was saved through Abraham. I am sure that Nicodemus, after the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, saw a total evidence of what his conversion was and more what the Lord wanted to tell him about the Rebirth. He was very astonished when he achieved the Rebirth out of the spirit.
The Rebirth out of the spirit is a true mystery. See Nicodemus (John 3:3). “Jesus answered and said unto him: Verily, verily, I say unto thee, except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
He had to walk a path that nowhere was written in the Bible, because, at that time the Bible did not exist. Only (John 3:5) gives a small clue and obviously (John 1:13) “..Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”
(Rev.12:2) gives the difficulty level of which Rebirth is to achieve “..and she was pregnant and cried out in labor and in pain to give birth.”
The Lord did not say that Nicodemus was lost. Why did the Lord only spoke to Nicodemus about the Rebirth and why not to all his disciples, or at least one of them? Nicodemus was the only one who was aware of all the writings of the Old Testament, only he would be able to understand the Lord. How surprised must have been the Lord with this conversation. Nicodemus did not make it, with what Jesus meant (John 3:4). What the Lord then said to bring Nicodemus to a common understanding is really unbelievable.
(John 3:8) “The wind blows where it wishes and you hear the sound of it, but do not know where it comes from and where it is going; so is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
In brief: The Son of God (2nd degree) goes his own way and a convert (1st degree) is no longer able to follow him.
And just see what the Lord says in verse 10: “Jesus answered and said unto him, Art thou a master of Israel, and these things ye do not understand?”
Peter has also tried, but could not find words to explain it better. Therefrom (2 Peter 1:3-15). Like Peter, I also speak quite frequently about the need for (2 Peter 1:10) “Therefore rather, brothers, give diligence to make your calling and election sure; for if you do these things, you shall never fall. For so an entrance shall be provided unto you abundantly into the everlasting kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.”
Nicodemus understands still pretty good, but a big school boy protests straight away! Jesus: “Verily, verily, I say unto thee, we speak what we know and we testify what we have seen, and ye receive not our witness.” The Lord means by “we”, first told by Jesus Himself and then again by others, who later on will and would speak on this subject, namely The Sons of God. In (John 3:11) The Lord pronounces 4x the word “we”.
Nicodemus was not able to capture the explanation that the Lord gave him. The Lord could not have such a conversation with any one, only with Nicodemus. He was also the only one who might probably understand this, but alas.
“Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” (John 3:3) Each evangelist has a special gift and way to announce the gospel. But no matter how I try to explain to a convert about the Rebirth, yet to be achieved by him, like this it is no gospel, but rather a warning! Jesus: “I told you, unless you are born again out of the spirit, etc. etc.” These also have become my words now.
The gospel can be experienced directly. But there is no way or manner to obtain de Rebirth. It sounds strange, but that is how it is. Whatever a convert does or attempts, the Rebirth out of the spirit cannot to be achieved just like that. It is really to be despondent about. Therefore this is no gospel anymore, but a warning. However a convert shall not accept it nor would want to see it. Because besides being spiritual, this claim goes also beyond his understanding. The mystery of the rebirth out of the spirit is simply not apprehensible. (John 3:1-13)
Many converts think that first all their questions should be answered before they want to believe. Annoyed by this warning they grumble against it in a childish way. “Who are you, what is your work for the Lord, how long do you already know the Lord, do you know that Satan also can indoctrinate?” etc. etc… How often have I not passed through this already?
It is not so easy to speak about the mystery of the Rebirth. It is therefore truly no gospel anymore, but a reprimand to your address, that without the Rebirth out of the spirit, someone can certainly not enter the Kingdom of God.
Well, it shows in the way the Lord speaks to Nicodemus. The Lord is even surprised that this spiritual academic is unable to see through this Rebirth that is so important to Jesus. Of course the Holy Spirit was not yet present to make him understand about the spiritual details of Rebirth. This however became possible after the coming of the Holy Spirit.
After a conversion though, after progressing according to time, people think much too easily about all spiritual details described by the Lord himself. (2 Peter 1:20-21) “This must above all ye know, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation; For prophecy never came by the will asunder man, but moved by the Holy Spirit, men spoke from God.”
Despite many Bible studies, the leaders are becoming characterized by repetition. It becomes explained increasingly finer, though. But no spiritual progress is made in order to achieve understanding. If you hear how much they all know, you would wish you knew just as much of the Bible. But if you suddenly start talking about the Rebirth out of the spirit, they all look at you dumbfounded. And then there is their great knowledge of the Bible, which can no longer recognize this necessity of Rebirth.
“Noah sent forth a raven, and it flew back and forth” (Genesis 8:7)
This verse means that the going out and coming again of the raven reflects the mind of a convert. In fact, he finds himself in dense clouds fields in the degree in which he thinks and lives, namely, the 1st degree of his conscience. That is because he cannot know anything about the mystery of Rebirth yet, only that which is revealed in the Word of God, in which everything is described in general terms.
They have the Holy Spirit and many even speak the language of the Lord. They are all converted and have experienced the Holy Spirit through water baptism. They live in the strength of their capacity, which they automatically defend in the 1st degree of their level.
Either way, they are right and through these clouds fields around them, the 2nd degree higher indeed cannot be seen. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, the truths of faith enter, as the first rays of light, and only in this light, he knows his peace. But it is not the Rebirth out of the spirit.

All texts are taken from King James Versions and supplemented by prophecies according to (John 16:13).