Dark clouds 2021 – Great Wind (Sting Virus) – YouTube (3:35)
« Sting Virus of Death »
Even before the Great Revival – Hell on Earth
Coronavirus – Sting virus
– Two Times a Pandemic –
(Dec 2019 to Sept 5, 2024)
Total 57 months
Sting virus
(From end of August to Sept 5, 2024)
Total 3 to 4 days?
The Great Revival: From Sept 5, 2024 to Feb 2, 2025
The Corona- and the Sting virus stop when the Great Revival begins.
Short version: YouTube (4:47) Without translator
“PREPARE For The Next Pandemic”
– 2024 ◊ Standby! –
Sting virus on 2 to 5 Sept 2024!
Update (Feb 9, 2024)
Second Coming Jesus Before April 20, 2025
– Rapture Zone –
(Twice a Rapture! – April 16 and 19, 2025)
Easter April 20, 2025
2022/2023/2024? – Wrong!
Rapture Expected in April 2025
(Times not yet Adjusted)
(Update: Feb 9, 2024)
Oh… brothers and sisters, see calendar!
These times have yet to be adjusted!
The Sting virus
Only the Holy Spirit can put an end to that.
End of Corona and the Sting virus and… the beginning of the Great Revival.
The Great Revival from Sept 5, 2024 until the end of Feb 2, 2025. (5 months)
Revelation false Prophet from Sept ±5, 2024 to Feb 2, 2025 (5 months)
Beginning of Armageddon from Feb 5, 2025 until Sept 5, 2025. (Only 7 months)
Second Coming Jesus, three months later, on the Mount of Olives at the end of the 1st week of Sep 2025.
(Times not yet Adjusted)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – Prophecy 2020
Long version: YouTube (34:41) With translator (India)
Sting Virus of Death
Brothers and sisters, listen to this video!
From (5:22) On Feb 20, 2020, it happened that Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj was called into heaven by Jesus with the announcement that God the Father had a message for the people of the earth.
First a Small Wind will blow and then a Large Wind!
After the Coronavirus comes another Wind that is many times worse. When that comes, no one dares to go outside anymore.
Jesus: “As soon as the people think they have found a vaccine that could stop the Coronavirus, the Sting virus will break out!”
(Habakkuk 3:5) “Before Him goes the plague, and feverish glow follows closely after Him.”
(This verse concerns the Sting virus)
Total 8 or 5 Weeks!
The month August
Brothers and sisters, it is almost certain that the Sting virus will break out at the end of Aug 2021!
All dates before Aug 14, 2021 have been totally miscalculated.
Vision – 5 coins and a small Chinese Restaurant
This vision I received on Thursday, May 21, 2020 at 03:58 AM.
From Dec 14, 2019, the Coronavirus has already been going on for five months by then.
There were a total of 7 people in the small Restaurant. That could mean the 7 days of one week and the ten tables 10 weeks. I cannot find another explanation for it. However, I did not see those 8 tables that were not occupied at the time. The 2nd wind, the Sting virus, would then last 8 weeks! Also other Christians now see this as the best explanation.
It is almost certain that the Sting virus will blow all over the world starting from China, because the ten tables were in a Chinese(!) Restaurant. Three tables were arranged in a semicircle, one against the other. This arrangement might mean the whole world. The other 8(!) tables were unoccupied. There were a total of 10 tables there. The special thing was that only three tables were skewed. Three people sat at one table and 2 people at another table, plus 2 people standing, total 7.
The 8 tables were unoccupied. That could be the 8 weeks!
The middle table indicates the distance of 1.5 meters. This indicates that this is about the Coronavirus pandemic that has been going on for some time and will last a total of 19 months.
(From Dec 14, 2019 to Sept ±2, 2021
The 5 coins concern the 5 months of the false Prophet. The two curved coins indicate the Corona and the Sting virus. Then a Chinese man came up to me and I took the three coins to give it to him. Despite the fact that I only had three coins, suddenly there were five coins! Those are the five months of the false Prophet. – (Reigning period: From Sept 5, 2021 to Feb 2, 2022)
The first- and second pandemic
Pastor Joseph Sweet (Lancaster – California)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj told him there will be a virus worse than the Coronavirus.
Pastor Joseph Sweet was startled and said that John Paul Jackson had received the same Prophecy in the year 2008. The Lord told him there would be two pandemics.
John Paul Jackson: “There will be a pandemic. The first pandemic will bring some fear among the people, but the second pandemic will be serious.” – 1000 times worse than the Coronavirus!
(The Sting virus is expected from the end of August 2021 until Sept ±5, 2021)
Time shift no longer possible
Brothers and sisters, the Sting virus should have started from May 5, 2021 and we have already passed that time. But, that will now be August 2021!
Given the time, no more space can be found.
Only the starting times of the Sting virus, the Great Revival, the Revelation of the false Prophet and his death may still have a difference of exactly 48 hours! That is why I assume that the Sting virus will be starting from May 21 until Aug 2021. Because from that the Great Revival begins!
– The first great wind –
±4 million deaths?
– The second great wind –
Sting virus
200 to ±350 million deaths!

– Another new very nasty virus –
The Sting virus will bring death and destruction, prepare yourself!
Even before the Great Revival begins, the world will be startled by first a small and then a very big second pandemic! The Coronavirus, with already over 3 million deaths, will be surpassed by the Sting virus more than 100 times, with approximately 200 to ±350 million deaths! It is another new, very nasty, virus and is 1000x worse than the Coronavirus!
It is expected that between 200 and ±350 million people will die! With such an unbelievably large number, the economy shall collapse. Regardless, the number leaves nothing to be desired, as the Sting virus is a serious problem that cannot be eradicated. It is not transferable and is not contagious. It won’t stop until the Holy Spirit comes with the Great Revival.
Jesus: “You are separated from your family and those you love. Right now the governments are preparing for a strike. They want maximum damage, not for themselves, but for you!” – The strike, of which the Lord is talking about here, concerns the worldwide Lockdown.
The quarantine time: Staying at home for two weeks. Being infected is not yet being sick. Due to the 1.5 meters and a possible hefty fine, an abuse of power is committed, because in case of having the flu, you can also infect others with it. Virtually all countries in the world have never been destroyed as quickly and as professionally as now by Governments and the (Fake News) Media since World War II, and especially also by the Coronavirus.
Another Virus Worse Than Coronavirus is Coming
Sting virus moved by the wind
– Worse than Coronavirus –
The 2nd Pandemic – Another Judgment of God
The Sting virus is invisible and hidden in the wind.
God the Father: “Another Great Wind will come upon the world!”
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
(Another virus is coming and it is worse than the coronavirus)
YouTube (3:08:00) Full Video – Best from (1:20:00)
From May the end of Aug 2021 an even bigger 2nd pandemic is coming that will be unleashed like a storm on the people: The Sting virus! Unlike the Coronavirus, the Sting virus is not contagious, but is all the more deadly!
This Horror Sting virus comes, from one moment to the next, from all the corners of the world onto the people and will affect everyone who comes into contact with it.
(Jeremiah 25:32) “Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Behold, evil shall go forth from nation to nation, and a great whirlwind shall be raised up from the coasts of the earth.” – (KJV)
(Jeremiah 25:32) “Thus saith the Lord of hosts, Behold, calamity cometh from nation to nation; a mighty tempest cometh up from the ends of the earth.” – (Dutch NBG 51)
Jesus: “The coming war will be devastating.”
The Coming War – The Lord is talking about the Sting virus here!
A pandemic is a war to the Lord.
The year of death and destruction
200 to ±350 million with a peak of 500 million!
The Big Wind concerns the Sting virus
Brothers and sisters, there are two dates:
The 1st possibility could have been from July 2021. But… nothing happened.
The 2nd from end of Aug 2021.
Two Times a Pandemic 2020 – 2021
Coronavirus – Sting virus
The second pandemic is one of Fire!
Jesus: “This [Corona] virus is nothing compared to what I’m going to send into the world.”
What the Lord will send into the world is the Sting virus!
Ooh… brothers and sisters, just take shelter, because what is coming now is beyond human comprehension and is truly terrible!
The sins today are a thousand times worse than they were in the days of Sodom and Gomorrah.
See: (PDF) Transcript April 10, 2020 by Sara Ayin.
Prepare for the Perfect Storm
The Sting virus!
The 2nd pandemic
Code Red all over the World
“If the Sting virus does not kill me, hunger will kill me.”
Brothers and sisters, be smart! It is only for 8 weeks, but still. Do not wait for the time, but already stock up on food and drinks for at least 2 months! When the invisible very deadly Sting virus blows around, we shall not have it that easy. Who still dares to leave his home? Many will starve to death!
Prepare yourself, because during Armageddon we shall have even a much harder time.
– The second great wind –
Sting virus
(From Sept ±2 or 5, 2023)
(Only 3 or 4 Days?)
Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
Sting Virus of Death
(DZG// Monday April 19, 2021/ 21:20) Update: Monday August 16, 2021.
Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
(Photo) Dark clouds for 2021 – Great Wind (Sting virus)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOZqM1q3IaA
Prophecy For The Next Pandemic | Be Prepared | Prophet Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Premiered on Aug 6, 2020 – YouTube (3:35/ 14:49)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj – (May 16, 2020) – YouTube (4:47)
Be Prepare | The Next Pandemic | Prophecy 2020 | Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3TQx1S1PXM
(Photo) The Holy Spirit like a pigeon
Source: _https://puckworks.moniquebroekman.nl/feestvdgeest/paginas/reactie1.html
Image: The Coming Perfect Storm
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4MhOirmmcM
2008 Prophecy Fulfilled – Epidemic – John Paul Jackson – YouTube (0:19/ 1:26)
Image: John Paul Jackson 2021 Prophecy
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tyd6La8fcVE
John Paul Jackson 2021 Prophecy: [URGENT “NATION IN TURMOIL”]What did He see? Prophetic Word
Image: The Perfect Storm met bliksem
The Perfect Storm_ Thunder
Source: _http://preparingfortheperfectstorm.com/
Twice curved 50 Cent coin – side by side
Source: _https://www.magicshop.nl/Webwinkel-Product-32674263/Bended-coin-50-eurocent.html
Time shift no longer possible
Image: Time Will Delay no Longer – YouTube (3:08:00) – Image (7:15)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
Another Virus is Coming & It’s Worst Than The Coronavirus – April 10, 2020
(Image) Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkhw_6iwtok
John Paul Jackson – Perfect Storm (Clouds and Lightning)
Coronavirus In Prophecy – Two Pandemics Are Coming
(Recorded Oct 4, 2012 Prophecy) – YouTube (20:23)
Must Watch! – John Paul Jackson 2012 Prophetic Vision About Pandemic And More
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=Nu1k1Usoq48&feature=emb_logo
John Paul Jackson 2021 Prophecy
Image green: Two Pandemics are coming
John Paul Jackson Perfect Storm – YouTube (7:43)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=20&v=_lzCV0M5kI8&feature=emb_logo
Coronavirus In Prophecy – Two Pandemics Are Coming – John Paul Jackson (2012 Prophecy)
A Perfect Storm
Must Watch! – John Paul Jackson 2012 Prophetic Vision About Pandemic And More
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=8&v=Nu1k1Usoq48&feature=emb_logo
Sting virus moved by the wind
God the Father: “Another Great wind will come upon the world!”
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj
(Another virus is coming, worse than the coronavirus)
YouTube (3:08:00) Full Video – Start vanaf (1:20:00)
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gkhw_6iwtok
Image Big: 2021 – (Blue/Black)
Some Of You Need To Hear This Before The Year Is Over
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xokWtztU5Y8
Image: Blue – Woman with mask and virus on the front
Pandemic twice 2020 – 2021 (Coronavirus – Sting virus)
Source: _https://www.radio.cz/en/section/curraffrs/an-overview-of-current-coronavirus-countermeasures-in-czech-republic
Venezuela – Two people with a shopping cart. Source:
Stocking Up on Food in the End Times – Stocking Up on Food and Drinks!
UFO, Blackout(Darkness) and 3 Weeks Later Rapture – David Daughtrey
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuudH4MHvKA