Stand-by for the Sting virus

Woman Infected with the Sting virus
Stand-by for the Sting virus
Image description:
(The Sting virus) See woman with many boils on her face. The many people who are in the open air indicate the number (2.3 billion) who will die from the Sting virus. The explosion in the air shows the situation that is taking place inside the blood vessels.

The Sting virus is in the air and is colored orange. Once the Sting virus has burned into the skin of the person unnoticed after 2 hours and that virus enters the bloodstream, you get an explosion of millions of viruses that set the body on fire from within.

The Sting virus only lasts 3 days! But… people don’t know that. Corona (Covid-19) has been going on for more than 3.5 years now. That means there will be a big panic. The Supermarkets will be bought empty in no time!

Stand-by for the Sting virus
A Magnitude 10 Earthquake!
Brothers and sisters, this could well be the date that the Mississippi earthquake could occur. First there will be a Great earthquake and then, 48 hours later, the Sting virus.
Brandon Biggs: “The Lord gave me a dream about a huge 10.0 magnitude earthquake that will split the US in two on the New Madrid.”
(337.814 views / June 29, 2023) – YouTube (0:48 / 6:25)

This Mega-earthquake will happen in Sep 2024. (New Madrid – Mississippi, Missouri – America)

Mega Earthquake with a Magnitude of 10 on the Richter Scale!
Chris Reed: “I saw the coming division of America.”
The Mississippi Will Be 30 Km Wide! = (18,6 Miles)
Supernatural Stories – Chris Reed (145.966 views / Sep 9, 2023)

(Photo) Source: Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |

Spectacular details in Sep 2024
Time is already up
Super moon and partial lunar eclipse occur simultaneously. Could this be the sign before the Sting virus will break out?
(September 2024) The last month of the End Times.
The End Times exactly 6 years and 13 days (From Aug 23, 2018 to Sep 5, 2024)
False peace (5 months) / Armageddon (7 months) Total 6 years plus (5+7 months) = 7 years.
The solar eclipse of October 2, 2024 is an annular solar eclipse that will be visible above the Pacific Ocean, parts of South America and parts of Antarctica. The path where an annular eclipse can be observed is mainly over the Pacific Ocean, but also over Chile and Argentina.
Solar eclipse on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, around 21:11 hour MEZT, an annular solar eclipse will take place. In our regions, this eclipse unfortunately is invisible, because it is located above the Pacific Ocean.

*) The abbreviation CEST stands for Central European Summer Time.

Prophet Predicts MILLIONS of Deaths from New Plague
Brandon Biggs – (415.711 views / Sep 8, 2023)
Original VideoYouTube (41:52)
The Sting virus
Within minutes the fever can rise to well over 40 degrees Celsius! And already after 5 minutes you are unconscious and fall into a coma.
See Image! “A New Black Death is Coming”Wherever you are in the world, people fall unconscious to the ground.
The victims will not see the boils on the face and chest, because they are already unconscious and in a coma. It then takes another 3 to 5 hours before death occurs. In the meantime, the many boils appear on the face and also on the chest!

See Prophecy of Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj!

Be Prepared | The Next Pandemic | Prophecy 2020YouTube (4:47)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Describes the Sting virus!
« Stand-by »
– Sting virus Hidden in the Wind –
A Massive Orange Deadly Invasion
Death Floats in the Air
Expected in September or Oct/Nov 2024
YouTube (From 1:38 – 1:50) – (16:30)
(22.689 views / July 15, 2024)

Date (07/19/2024) does not match
(Must be in September or Oct/Nov 2024)

« Great Death Before Armageddon »
(2,3 Billion)
I Heard The Lord Say:
Behold! My Righteous Judgement Is Coming, For About 2 Billion People…
Brothers and sisters, this date (July 19, 2024) does not match with what I see.
The Sting virus will almost certainly start from September or Oct/Nov 2024.
The Lord has given me many visions that clearly indicate this date.
The Sting virus will last at most only 3 days. Prepare yourselves!
100% Deadly virus
This Sting virus is hidden in the air in an Orange color, which will spread all over the world. It is a 100% deadly virus! This Sting virus only lasts for 3 Days. And as soon as the Orange color is gone, the Great Revival will begin.
Duration Great Revival: Unfortunately only 5 or at most 3 months.

Start Great Revival from Sep/Oct or in Nov 2024.

(Sept 2024) The Last Month of the End Times

End Times – False Peace – Armageddon
Beginning of the End Times from Aug 23, 2018 until the day the false Prophet reveals himself.
The false Prophet is expected in Sep or Oct/Nov 2024.
Beginning of False Peace from Sep 2024 until Feb 2, 2025. (Total 5 months)

(Antichrist) Beginning Armageddon from 5 Feb 2025 until 5 Sep 2025. (Total 7 months)

There are Three Times
The End Times – (Total 6 years) From Aug 23, 2018 to Sep 5, 2024.
(September 2024) The last month of the End Times.
Valse peace – The first period of 3,5 years has become 5 months.
Armageddon – The second period of 3,5 years has become 7 months.
(Daniel 9:27) The times 2x 3,5 years are now divided into three times:
End Times 6 years / False peace 5 months / Armageddon 7 months.
(Total 7 years and 13 days)
The End Times officially started on Aug 23, 2018 and will end at the moment that the false Prophet will reveal himself. That should take place in Sep 2024.

Beginning of 1.000-year reign from September 5, 2025 to September 5, 3025.

Beginning of the Last 7 Years of Daniel
From Aug 23, 2018 to Sep 5, 2025 – (Exactly 7 years and 13 days)
I received this vision on March 23, 2013. The time from March 2013 to August 2018 is not exactly five years, but is 5 years and five months! I have kept the date of 23-31 Aug 2018 as the week in which the Rapture could take place. That is because I received the vision on the 23rd. It was a conclusion.

Now we know that the 1st Rapture will take place on April 16, 2025. After that we first have the three days of darkness and on April 19, 2025 the 2nd Rapture. (Easter on Sunday April 20, 2025) The Rapture must take place before Easter! Then there is a Great Feast in Heaven.

End Times already over. Next the false peace begins and immediately after that Armageddon!
The date September could continue until the end of November 2024! Within that time the Sting virus must have already taken place.

Of the many visions the Lord has given me, 2024 is the year of the Sting virus and the false Prophet!

« The Year 2025 Should be 2024 »

Beginning of second Pandemic expected in the month of Sep 2024.

Windows and doors closed for the Sting virus!

(Sept 17) This date is not good. We will first have an earthquake and then, 48 hours later, the Sting virus. The Sting virus is expected in September or in Oct/Nov 2024.

Time is up!
Shifting in time is no longer possible and can no longer be extended.
A generation 70 or 80 years?
Brothers and sisters, the end of one generation must be found between the year 2018 and 2028.
This time was found with the creation of the State of Israel on May 14, 1948.
(Psalm 90:10) “The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away.”
Everything indicates that with God the Father a generation is between 70 and 80 years.

(Matt.24:32-34) “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.”

(1948) +70 years is 2018 and +80 years is 2028
It is now Sep 2024. (1948+80= May 14, 2028)
Within this time, Matt 24 would have come to an end in its entirety.
See: The Great Earthquake!

Great Death Before Armageddon(2,3 Billion)

Date (07/19/2024) does not match
(Should be anywhere in Sep 2024)
Jesus says: “Pay attention to the date! The greatest judgment is coming for many, when almost half of the 30% of the total (world) population will undergo the Righteous Judgment of the Lord God…”
Many Christians do not see the meaning of this Righteous Judgment, because that means; that you will stand before your Judge Angel on that day. And yes… then you will no longer live on earth.
(Sep 19, 2024) World Population ±8,2 Billion. (Current World Population)

(30% of 8,2 Billion = 2,460,000,000) – (Divided by 2 = 1,230,000,000)

A Strange Present
Jesus: “Behold! My Righteous Judgment is coming, for about 2 Billion people.”
“Look ahead with the expectation that I can create a beautiful future out of a strange present.”
(a beautiful future) – The Lord means here the Heavenly Paradise.

Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible

and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)

Stand-by for the Sting virus
Great Death Before Armageddon – (2,3 Billion)

(DZG// Thursday Sep 20, 2024) – (Update: Sep 20, 2024)

Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
(Image) Woman infected with the Sting virus
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