“Nostradamus and Armageddon”
Michel de Nostradame (1503-1564)
« The Sleeping Prophet »
– The Mystery of the Mallona Planet –
Update (Dec 21, 2022)
– Rapture Zone –
(Twice a Rapture! – March 27 and 30, 2024)
Easter March 31, 2024
April 2022/2023? – Wrong!
Rapture Expected in March 2024
(Times Approximate Adjusted)
The Rapture is expected by more and more Christians in the month of March of the year 2024! Experts who have also been intensively involved with the moment of the Rapture suspect that the Rapture should indeed take place in the year 2024. The visions, which I received from the Lord, indicate the same time.
The last generation (May 14, 1948 to Feb 5, 2024)
See details 75 years: TIME IS RUNNING OUT FAST!!! – (Dutch)
Nostradamus, the greatest seer of all time, is called the sleeping prophet. He was always busy in the night making notes and what the people in the distant future would all experience. What struck him the most, were the events of Armageddon’s time!
Very often he was in turmoil and delirious with pure amazement, so that he often had to be soothed by his fellow residents. The truth came to him so realistically that he must have experienced moments that would have reached top madness.
Although he has not put everything down on paper after seeing all those images and horrors, one gets the impression, by reading his report, that he really did everything to warn mankind for the End Times and Armageddon.
Zombies in the Valley of Armageddon
Nostradamus, for example, has not described the fearsome images of the Zombies. He could easily have done that. But, because that situation would question his reports, he limited it and concluded it with the invention of the atomic bomb. He has stated in his report that the millennial kingdom of peace will be a time that has never happened before, so beautiful and peaceful.
Finally, Nostradamus described the end of planet Earth, which will explode like a Super-Nova. But that was already described in the Bible and also Jacob Lorber has dedicated a passage to it.
The planet Earth shall be destroyed simultaneously with the Moon in one blow and in the year 3797.
Nostradamus (1503-1564)
Explosion of the Earth will take place in the year 3797

The Earth and the moon will then no longer exist, just like the Mallona planet which was 2000x larger than the Earth. The Earth must explode, because it was of Lucifer/Satan.
The Earth may not, in the vast universe, become a place of remembrance.
End of the planet Earth
(2 Peter 3:10b-13) “…in which the heavens will pass away with a roar and the elements will be destroyed with intense heat, and the earth and its works will be burned up. [11] Since all these things are to be destroyed in this way, what sort of people ought you to be in holy conduct and godliness, [12] looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God, because of which the heavens will be destroyed by burning, and the elements will melt with intense heat! [13] But according to His promise we are looking for new heavens and a new earth, in which righteousness dwells.”
*) The elements: The earth and the moon.
Mallona or Maldek Planet
Mallona planet 2000x larger than the Earth
Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter
Asteroids Belt from the Mallona planet
Jupiter in the background
Explosion of the Mallona planet
The Asteroids Belt are pieces of stones and rocks in space and comes from the Mallona planet. This planet is actually the Maldek planet and was located between Mars and Jupiter. Now there is only grit; called asteroids.
What has happened in reality? The residents of the Mallona planet were quite spectacular. They had dug a deep hole and unleashed an unimaginably large (Nuclear?) Bomb. Result, the Mallona planet bursted completely from his seams.
In the same way, we are actually also destroying the Earth, only not as directly and dramatically as what happened to the Mallona planet.
Jesus: “What has happened to the Mallona planet the Earthlings will also do, only with the difference that I will not allow the Earth to be destroyed before time.”
The Asteroid Belt originates from the Mallona or Maldek planet and was 2000x larger than the Earth.
= End Time – Armageddon =
– The Man Who Saw Tomorrow –
« Narrated By Orson Welles – Full Movie »
Dailymotion – (Best Video Documentary) – (1:27:31)
All texts are from the King James Version (KJV) and the New American Standard Bible (NASB)
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
Nostradamus and Armageddon
(DZG// Saturday 03-03-2018) – (Update: Dec 22, 2022)
Michel de Nostradame (1503-1564)
(Photo) _https://i.ytimg.com/vi/t-No1s2gxio/hqdefault.jpg
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t-No1s2gxio
Source: _https://schoolworkhelper.net/supernova-formation-properties/
Explosion of the Earth will take place in the year 3797. Source:
Mallona planet 2000x larger than the Earth
(Photo) _http://api.ning.com/files/p0ZiZvXgHQgZOSIikR3559XzHWqBM4y9orgmpcQsv1bhW*zJbXuhTWsyjKdNUjCYE4st4ZyDr9zycRybA95w9rsJLepOYv5m/planetmaldek.jpg
Source: _http://www.starseeds.net/group/maldekian-starseeds
Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter
(Photo) _http://tools4literature.weebly.com/uploads/3/1/5/6/31568659/1624666_orig.png
Source: _http://tools4literature.weebly.com/all-summer-in-a-day.html
Asteroid Belt from the Mallona planet
(Photo) _https://i.ytimg.com/vi/tDIyHX_iif4/maxresdefault.jpg
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tDIyHX_iif4
Jupiter in the background
Phaeton Maltek Planet, Mayona etc.
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Axx_1_41j3I
Nostradamus – The Man Who Saw Tomorrow
Narrated By Orson Welles – FULL Movie (1981)
Dailymotion – (Best Video Documentaire) – (1:27:31)
Source: _http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2hg6li