Great Death Before Armageddon – 2,3 Billion

Prophet Predicts MILLIONS of Deaths from Plague
YouTube (From 1:23:05 -1:24:35)
(467.042 Views / Live streamed on July 22, 2024)

Brandon Biggs – (403.716 views / 8 Sept 2023)
Original VideoYouTube (41:52)
Orange Airborne Sting virus of Death
Orange Sting virus of Death Floats Through the Air
From Sept/Oct 2024

Deadly Outbreak Spreads Worldwide in Just Three Days

Be Prepared | The Next Pandemic | Prophecy 2020YouTube (4:47)
Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj Describes the Sting virus!
« Stand-by »
– Sting virus Hidden in the Wind –
A Huge Invisible Deadly Invasion
YouTube (From 1:38 – 1:50) – (16:30)
(22.629 Views / July 15, 2024)

Date (07/19/2024) does not match
(Must be Sept/Oct 2024)

« Great Death Before Armageddon »
(2,3 Billion)
I Heard The Lord Say:
Behold! My Righteous Judgement Is Coming, For About 2 Billion People…
Brothers and sisters, this date (July 19, 2024) does not match what I see.
The Sting virus will almost certainly start from Sept/Oct 2024.
The Lord has given me many visions that clearly indicate this date.
The Sting virus will last at most only 3 days. Prepare yourselves!
100% deadly virus
This Sting virus is hidden in the air in an Orange color, which will spread all over the world. It is a 100% deadly virus! This Sting virus only lasts for 3 Days. And as soon as the Orange color is gone, the Great Revival will begin in September 2024.
Duration Great Revival: Unfortunately only 5 or at most 3 months.

Start Great Revival from Sept/Oct or in Nov.2024.

2x A premature Rapture
The Corona and the Sting virus is a secret of God and in reality a Rapture. It cannot be seen. The purpose of these first 2 Raptures is that God the Father does not want His people to see the false Prophet.
In total, approximately 2,3 Billion people will be killed prematurely by the Sting virus.
Among them will be many Christians. (Estimated ±1,3 Billion)
See details: Prophecy of Sara Ayin
The Lord does not want His people to see the face of the false Prophet.

The Earth The Beastly Kingdom (The Earth – The Beastly Kingdom)

End of the False Prophet Feb 2, 2025
Jesus: “There will be a Great Revival of short duration.”
The false Prophet is by now taking a very long time to come. But that is how it is. It is a matter of a few days before he will reveal himself, because time is already up.

See End Time Calendar! (2024/2025)

Jesus: “This [Corona-] virus is nothing compared to what I am going to send across the world.” [The Sting virus]

Sting Virus Burns Like Fire

Worse than Corona is coming!
Jesus: “The war that is coming, no one expects!”
(Coronavirus?) Ooh… brothers and sisters, it will be 1000 times worse!
The Sting virus will break out from China. Expected in Sept/Oct 2024.

Driven by the wind, this Horror virus can arrive in Europe after 5 or 6 hours.

“The Coming War will be Devastating!”

« Stand-by Worldwide TV News! »

Date (07/19/2024) does not match
(Should be in Sept/Oct 2024)
Jesus says: “Pay attention to the date! The greatest judgment is coming for many, when almost half of the 30% of the total (world) population will undergo the Righteous Judgment of the Lord God…”
Many Christians do not see the meaning of this Righteous Judgment, because that means; that you will stand before your Judge Angel on that day. And yes… then you will no longer live on earth.
(Sep 19, 2024) World Population ±8,2 Billion. (Current World Population)

(30% of 8,2 Billion = 2,460,000,000) – (Divided by 2 = 1,230,000,000)

A Strange Present
Jesus: “Behold! My Righteous Judgment is coming, for about 2 Billion people.”
“Look ahead with the expectation that I can create a beautiful future out of a strange present.”

(a beautiful future) – The Lord means here the Heavenly Paradise.

Prepare yourself now for the Sting virus
Make sure you have for at least 2 weeks food and drinks in your home.
All Banks in the whole World will be closed!
You can no longer withdraw money from your bank account.

Therefore, make sure you have for 2 to 3 weeks cash in your home.

When the sky is colored Orange
Do not go outside and close the windows and doors.

After 3 days the weather will be nice again and the Sting virus will be gone.

(101.813 views Mar 19, 2024) – YouTube (12:01)

(Once the Sting virus breaks out, all planes worldwide will be grounded)

There will be a Rapture up to 5 times
1) Coronavirus (Covid-19) – – – – – (±7 million deaths)
2) Sting virus – – – – – – – – – – – –2,3 Billion deaths) – (The Rapture Mystery)
3) The 1st Rapture (April 16, 2025) – (±720 million)
4) The 3 Dark Days – – – – – – – –  2,3 Billion deaths)

5) The 2nd Rapture (April 19, 2025) – (±300 million)

The Covid-19 comes from China.
But… the Sting virus also comes from China!
Within 5 to 6 hours, this Orange Sting virus could already cover the entire globe.

Normally, the News channel CNN is often the first one when it comes to report a Major Disaster.

Japan issues warning after 7.1 – magnitude earthquake
Mega-quake (8.0 or 9.0+)
Mega-quake Explained: Japan Issues Warning After 7.1 Quake.
(1.335.190 Views / Aug 9,2024)
NBC News’ Dana Griffin reports on the significance of Japan issuing its first-ever “Mega-quake” warning.
Within 48 hours
But… there is another earthquake coming! This 7.1 Earthquake is nothing compared to what is yet to come.
After the Corona (Covid-19) comes a new and devastating plague that is completely different from any other plague. This plague will spread very quickly all over the world!
This is clearly about the Sting virus.
Mega-quake (8.0 or 9.0+)
(The Writer) The following is a certain suspicion that I have heard and read over the years and have been able to gather from many Prophecies. There will soon be a very Big earthquake somewhere in the world. This earthquake could have a magnitude of 8.0 to well over 9.0!
Within 48 hours, before the Sting virus breaks out in Sept/Oct 2024), this earthquake will come.
We are right in front of it!
This Mega-earthquake is very likely expected in Sept/Oct 2024!
That will then be the sign that the Sting virus will break out within 48 hours.
(World) The 2 most powerful earthquakes ever measured.
(March 27, 1964) Alaska earthquake (9,2)

(May 22, 1960) Chili – Valdivia earthquake (9,6)

Mega- Earthquake with a magnitude of 10 on the Richter scale!

Brandon Biggs: “The Lord gave me a Dream about a Massive 10.0 Earthquake Splitting the USA in Half on the New Madrid.”
(337.814 Views / June 29, 2023) – YouTube (0:48 / 6:25)

This Mega- Earthquake will happen in Sept/Oct 2024. (New Madrid – Mississippi, America)

Mega Earthquake with a Magnitude of 10 on the Richter Scale!

I Saw the Coming Split of America | Chris Reed
The Mississippi will become 30 Km wide! = (18,6 Miles)

Bron: Sid Roth – It’s Supernatural! |

See Timeline – (Aug 23, 2018 to Sept 5, 2025)

Daniel’s Last 7 Years

See Calculation and Overview End Time Calendar! – (2024/2025)
(2x 3,5 = Total 7 Years and 13 Days)
Daniel’s 1st time refers to the false peace and should have been: 3,5 Years.
But that time has become 6 Years and 5 Months!
(See Time: From Aug 23, 2018 t/m Feb 5, 2025)
Three Years Delay
The Lord has postponed the Rapture for 3 Years, because the church is not prepared.
Jesus: “My Church is not prepared for Armageddon.”
This is clearly about the deadly number 666!
Armageddon is not a war, but concerns the Mark number 666!
That has indeed never happened before.
The 2nd Time of Daniel concerns Armageddon and has become 7 Months and 1 Day. (Total 213 Days)
(See Time Armageddon: From Feb 5, 2025 till Sept 5, 2025)
The Christians will be forced to accept the number 666.
If not, a deterrent (Guillotine) will be used to force the Christians.
Whoever refuses the Mark 666, will be killed!
The false Prophet rises up in Sept/Oct 2024.
And… we are right in front of it!
The false Prophet is killed, 150 days later, on Sunday, February 2, 2025!
Then 3 days later, on Feb 5, 2025, the false Prophet rises again and has become; The Antichrist!
The 1st and 2nd Rapture will occur in the Valley of Armageddon!
See date of the 1st and 2nd Rapture: Wednesday April 16 and Saturday April 19, 2025.
(Easter begins on Sunday April 20, 2025)
The Rapture must occur before Easter!

Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible

and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)

(A New Black Death is Coming)
Great Death Before Armageddon – 2,3 Billion

(DZG// Thursday Aug 15, 2024) – (Update: Sept 26, 2024)

Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
(Image) Death is Coming!
These Prophetic Events Will SHOCK The ENTIRE World!
Source: _–1020065384328165952/
Jesus says: “MARK THE DATE!”
Source: _
“Mega-quake” explained – (Japan issues warning after 7.1-magnitude earthquake)
Mega-quake (8.0 or 9.0+)
Source: _