– The Four Horsemen of the End Times –
The White Horse is the rider of false Peace
The Red, Black and Pale Horse of Armageddon
Europe Expects Third World War in 2026-2027
No… Armageddon from February 5, 2028
The World Leaders
European countries are considering mandatory military service. They have to, because Russia has become a serious threat. We are on the verge of World War III!
Brothers and sisters, it is now almost certain, World War III is expected from Feb. 2028.
This war will be interrupted by 2 Large Asteroids on March 17, 2028.
The first impact (Asteroid) will be in the Atlantic Ocean between America and Europe with a Tsunami of 300 to ±400 meters high!
(Both impacts are expected approximately from March ±17, 2028)
The second impact (Asteroid) will take place on the City of Mecca! A city built between 7 mountains and it will be totally destroyed. These two events will take 2 weeks and then… the Fourth World War will begin in March/April 2028.
The Third World War will still be fought with Conventional Weapons.
The Fourth World War with Nuclear Weapons! (Expected from March ±27 to April 10, 2028)
This makes the difference between the 3rd and 4th World War. But these are so close together that it will be seen as one war. (The Third World War)
World War III will last approximately 3 weeks. (Expected from Feb ±20 to Mar ±15, 2028)
The two Asteroid impacts. From Mar ±15, 2028. (Duration ±2 weeks)
World War IV approximately 2 weeks. (From Mar ±27 to Apr 10, 2028)
These times are now easy to calculate, because the Rapture must occur before Apr 16, 2028.
Armageddon already postponed for six years. (2022-2028) Armageddon now from Feb 5, 2028.
After four postponements, there will NOT be another postponement, because time is already up.
Jesus: “The time is long past.”
(4,000+2,000)= 6,000 working years and a 1,000-year reign of peace. (Total 7,000 years)
(2 Peter 3:8) “But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.”
The situation of World War III can best be calculated back from April 16, 2028. Because on that day it is Easter. There will be a great celebration in Heaven, because Jesus has overcome.
(April 16, 2028) Feast of Trumpets
(Rev.10:7) “But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, the mystery of God should be finished, as he hath declared to his servants the prophets.”
See sequence of events
Brothers and sisters, I am not a prophet nor a clairvoyant. But, it takes little to see what kind of time we live in. It is a conclusion.
(Matt.24:6-9) “And ye shall hear of wars and rumours of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet…”
The false Prophet is not expected until September 5, 2028, at the same time as the Great Revival.
Time is up!
The false Prophet rises in the first week of Sept 2027. And… we are right in front of it!
The false Prophet will be killed on Wednesday, Feb 2, 2028!
Then 3 days later, on Saturday, Feb 5, 2028, the false Prophet rises again, and has become the Antichrist!
The Valley of Armageddon
Brothers and sisters, the 1st and 2nd Rapture of all Christians will now almost certainly take place in the Valley of Armageddon on April 12 and 15, 2028. (Easter Sunday, April 16, 2028)
The Rapture must take place before Easter!
Brothers and sisters, how much time do we have left?
The Rapture has already been postponed four times (2022-2026), but is now almost certainly expected in April 2028.
At the moment when the false Prophet will reveal himself, many people and nominal Christians will be in great confusion, because this man is truly unimaginable! The world has never known such a man.
Jesus: “The Beast will rise with the acclamation of the world, for he will bring both peace and prosperity like no one has ever experienced.”
Source: [PDF] “Mary K. Baxter” (Chapter 22)
The false Prophet is not yet known. But the Lord has already shortened the time (3,5 years) of the false Prophet considerably. Only five months left for the false Prophet. (Total 150 days)
This has to do with the fact that almost the entire world will support this World Leader.
Jesus: “If I do not return before the appointed time, the world, and even My people, will think that I am that one.”
(Rev.13:3b) …and all the world wondered after the beast.
This man is truly unique!
Jesus says of this false Prophet that such a person has not yet existed.
(Rev.13:2-4) “And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority. [3] And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast. [4] And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?”
(2x 3,5 = 7 years) – (5+7= 12 months)
(Daniel 12:7b) The last 7 years of Daniel are hidden between Aug 23, 2018 and Sept 5, 2028 and is actually only one year! (The false Peace 5 months and Armageddon 7 months)
Oh… brothers and sisters, how is this possible?
(2x 3,5 years) Yes, the 1st time of Daniel, the false peace, has now become 5 months.
The 2nd and remaining time of Daniel, Armageddon, has now become 7 months!
Jesus had already foretold this. (Matt.24:22) Jesus: “And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect’s sake those days shall be shortened.”
The 1st Rapture (April 13, 2028)
The 2nd Rapture (April 15, 2028)
Details 1st and 2nd Rapture
The Rapture in April 2028
Armageddon has already been postponed for four years!
(2022-2023-2024-2025) Armageddon is now expected in April 2028. After four postponements, there will NOT be another postponement, because time is already up.
The last 7 years of Daniel started on Aug 23, 2018 and should have officially ended on Sept 5, 2025. That has now become Sept 5, 2028.
In this End Time, the last 7 years of Daniel have now become 1 year!
(Image: Three times the Grim Reaper. Waiting for Armageddon)
The Rapture not as we imagined
Within three days there will be a Rapture twice!
Jesus, gave me this on Friday May 3, 2019 at 4:24 PM.
The 1st and 2nd Rapture will take place in the Valley of Armageddon on April 12 and 15, 2028. That is before Easter on Sunday April 16, 2028. Armageddon must have already started from February 5, 2028.
The three days of total darkness are expected between April 12 and 16, 2028.
(Five months?) The Great Revival 150 days!
Jesus: “Prepare My people now, because due to the power of the Great Revival there is hardly any attention for it anymore!”
Jesus gave me this on Thursday Sept 26, 2019 at 1:26 PM.
The Lord is talking about the coming Armageddon. From 2022 onward another 6(!) years have been added. Simply because Christians are not prepared for Armageddon [666].
Brothers and sisters, the Great Revival only lasts for 150 days! The time is too short.
Jesus: “My people are not prepared.”
Jesus: “There will be a Great Revival of short duration.”
(Jan 2017)
Allison Pound received prophetic insights about the Great Revival and the coming three days of darkness.
Brothers and sisters, the false Prophet will be killed on Wednesday, February 2, 2028. That means that the End Times are almost over! First the false Prophet must come, then the three days of the Sting Virus and only then, in the last hours of this Horror, the Great Revival will begin from September 5, 2027 until February 2, 2028! – (150 days)
Jesus: “Time is up!”
All dates are now fixed
The Disciples, and others, were very eager to know when Jesus would return at the end of time. But with still 2000 years to go, even the year was hardly, or let’s say really impossible, to indicate correctly.
See, what the Lord then said about it to Jakob Lorber in the year ±1853:
Jesus: “The year, the day and the hour of My return I cannot therefore tell you for sure, because everything on this earth depends on the completely free will of the people. Therefore no angel in heaven knows that, but only the Father alone, and those to whom He wants to reveal it.”
See book: Jakob Lorber! (1800-1864) The Return of Christ (Chapter 2 Page 26)
The Rapture
(Matt.24:36) “But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.”
The fact that Jesus did not know it at that time also depended on how would be the behavior of man at the end of time. Would the Lord hasten His coming or prolong the time of His coming?
Jesus: “The time has long since passed. The time is already up. The lines have already been drawn. I know who are Mine, and who are not. However, beloved, you must prepare yourselves, so that you can hear the call of the shofar [horn].” – Prophecy: Maurice Sklar USA
With this the Lord has indicated that the time is up. The end is in sight!
The last 7 years of Daniel have become 1 year!
(2x 3,5 years is now 5 months and 7 months)
(2x 42 months) 5+7= 1 Year and 13 Days
(Daniel 12:7b)
Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible
and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)
Europe Expects Third World War in 2026 -2027
No… Armageddon from February 5, 2028
(DZG// Monday Feb 3, 2025) – (Update: Feb 10, 2025)
Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – When They Show Up… Everything changes
Source: _https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEMOWlF5C78
(Image) The moment of the 1st Rapture – Beginning of the 1st day of darkness
The 1st Rapture of all children up to 7 years old and of believing parents up to 12 years old and…
All severely disabled and the 1st group of Wedding guests. (Total 720 million)
(Photo) _https://somosdecristo.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/arrebatamento.jpg
Source: _https://somosdecristo.com.br/filmes/10-filmes-sobre-o-arrebatamento-da-igreja/
(Image) The moment of the 2nd Rapture – End of the 3rd day of darkness
The 2nd group of Wedding guests are all adults. (Total 300 million)
(Image) Three times the Grim Reaper – Waiting for Armageddon
Source: _http://countdowntozerotime.com/2014/10/08/at-last-a-use-for-those-famous-fema-coffins-cdc-suggests-hermetically-sealed-caskets-for-ebola-victims-aka-fema-coffins/