Prophecy to President Donald Trump

Prophecy to President Donald Trump
(Prophet Hyeok Park)
» A short Time for Donald Trump »
(Nov 25, 2024)
A Prophecy for America
And the angel of the Lord said:
President Trump: Yes, he is many years old and he is old.
Yes, sometimes he brings some confusion with all his decisions.
And the angel of the Lord said further: “But that is what the Lord has in mind for America.”
And the angel of the Lord said further:
In the short time that he is there, he will cause many elements to be removed, torn down, and to be moved.
And the angel of the Lord said:
There will also be global imbalances.
For through his bold ideas, incomprehensible things are happening.
But he will also help to identify and eliminate them.
And that is My plan for America: To speak to the Nation.
The Bible says that the Lord inspired King Cyrus to do this.
[That is how I have prepared Donald Trump for America and the world.]
It is said that God issued a decree with power to the Jews to return to their land and rebuild the Temple in Jerusalem.
And the angel of the Lord said:
As we can find in the Bible, President Trump is such a person.
America listen!
His presidency will be like an earthquake!
And the angel of the Lord said: “You know what it’s like to walk when the ground is shaking.”
The angel of the Lord smiled and then departed.
So much for that.

Heavenly Powers Stand Behind Trump

4 Years to Go? Donald Trump’s Time Almost Up!
(Time Remaining Until Feb ±20, 2025)
End of the False Prophet Feb 2, 2025
Jesus: “There will be a Great Revival of short duration.”
The false Prophet is by now taking a very long time to come. But that is how it is. It is a matter of a few days before he will reveal himself, because time is already up.

See End Time Calendar! (2024/2025)

Birth Antichrist confirmed by the Lord
The birth of this “Super human” was made through the book “A Gift of Prophecy” made known to the world: “…a child born somewhere in the Middle East as a Jew on February 5, 1962 will bring about a turnaround in the world.”
Just in the second half of 1965 this book saw 11 reprints in America, while besides that, “Reader’s Digest” in an edition of 25 million copies and in 14 languages, an excerpt was reproduced. In many prophecies, the Lord has confirmed that this child, born on February 5, 1962, is indeed the Antichrist to be expected.

Source: (Magazine Visie “Time is near” 1967) – See details false Prophet

False Prophet Timeline
On Feb 5, 2025 the false Prophet will be 63 years old. (Born Feb 5, 1962)
Remaining time calculated up to and including Feb 2, 2025.
From Monday Dec 9, 2024 to Feb 2, 2025 = Total 55 days.

Great Revival estimated at ±50 days.

The Last Seven Months Before the Rapture
The Great Revival will begin from Dec 2024 and will grow in strength from America and sweep across the world! The False Prophet is expected sometime in Dec 2024 and will only rule for 2 months (±60 days). He is the World Leader.
The False Prophet will be killed on Feb ±2, 2025. Then three days later the Antichrist will rise and Armageddon will have begun.

Brothers and sisters, the End Times are almost over. Time is up!

The last 7 years of Daniel
Brothers and sisters, many wonder how I get the dates. They are calculated from the visions!
The vision Aug.2018 indicates the beginning of the last 7 years.
The vision Fiche 59 starts the last day of the last 7 years.
(The 5th day of the 9th month in September 2025)
The 1st period of the first 3,5 years has become, a total of 6 years, 10 months and a few days.
(This 1st period started from 23 Aug.2018 and will end on 5 Feb.2025)
The 2nd period of the second 3,5 years has now become, a total of only 7 months.
(The 2nd period will start from Feb 5, 2025 and will end on Sep 5, 2025)
The Great Awakening from Dec 2024 to Feb 2, 2025 – (Total ±2 months)
Armageddon from ±Feb 5, 2025 to Sep 5, 2025 – (Total 7 months)
The 1000-year reign of peace – (From Sep 5, 2025 to Sep 3025)

The Lord’s return to the Mount of Olives will be on Sep 5, 2025.!

The Lord: Donald Trump surrounded by three Prince angels!

Only a few weeks left for Donald Trump

Trump will be sworn in as President of America in 2024, because time is already up. Armageddon will start from February 5, 2025 and will end on September 5, 2025. That will also be the beginning of the 1000-year reign of peace.

The David of God surrounded by three Prince-angels
It is certain that Donald Trump will become the 47th president in December 2024. Namely, with the Great Revival, through the power of the Holy Spirit, the truth of the 2020 elections will come to light. Because as the world knows: The Trump elections were stolen and Joe Biden has won unfairly.

Donald Trump is indeed a Christian, but is not yet filled with the Holy Spirit. That will only happen in the time of the great Revival. He is called The David of God the Father and is guarded by three Prince-angels!

Donald Trump – David of God
God the Father said of Donald Trump: “My David!”

“For he is My David.”

Armageddon before the Rapture!
The 1st and 2nd Rapture will take place in the Valley of Armageddon!
See date of the 1st and 2nd Rapture: Wednesday April 16 and Saturday April 19, 2025.
(Easter Sunday April 20, 2025)
The Rapture must take place before Easter!

Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible

and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)

(Prophecy to President Donald Trump) – (Prophet Hyeok Park)
We are running out of time

(DZG// Thursday 05-12-2024) – (Update: Dec 9, 2024)

Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
Prophecy to President Donald Trump
(Prophecy to the United States) | Hyeok Park | Brother Hyeok
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4 more years? Donald Trump’s time almost up!
(Image) Donald Trump – God Bless The USA (Country Rap Song)
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(Image) The Three Prince Angels
Heavenly Powers Stand Behind Trump
(Image) Donald Trump – God Bless The USA (Country Rap Song)
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Archangel Gabriel with Trumpet – Get Ready!!!
(Photo) Source: _
(Image) Donald Trump Surrounded by Three Prince Angels!
(Image) Prince Angels / Legions
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Donald Trump – David of God
(Image) Trump’s plane – Air Force One soon
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