Mysterious Rapture of the 2,3 Billion Deaths

Mysterious Rapture of the 2,3 Billion Deaths
(Sting virus Expected in Sept 2024)
Twice an Invisible Rapture
On Sunday (14-04-2024 / 10:30 a.m.) the Lord gave me the following information.
(Covid-19) Coronavirus: First small Rapture. (Rapture invisible)

The Sting virus: Second Big Rapture. (Rapture visible!)

Massive Burial? – No… see why!
A Vision?
(The Sting virus Deaths)
On Tuesday April 9, 2024 / 11:30 p.m. I was in prayer and expressed my concern about what the Sting virus will bring to people. This event could happen in Sept 2024 / for 3 days.

(The Great Awakening is expected in Sept 2024)

Sting virus 100% Deadly
I was in a deep prayer when I suddenly thought of the more than 2,3 Billion people around the world who will all die in a period of 3 days. Where will all those bodies be put, because burial is not possible for the time being. No one dares to go outside anymore because of the Orange color floating in the air.
Once you come into contact with this Orange Sting virus, you will die within 3 to 5 hours!
This Sting virus is 100% fatal and cannot be cured.

Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj describes the Sting virus!

Corpses in the corridor and in the Hall
I have calculated that in the Netherlands alone, approximately 1,8 million people will die.
In a Large Apartment Building, all those corpses must first be placed outside in the corridor or in the hall, because no one dares to go outside anymore, because of the Orange Sting virus.

Number of Inhabitants of the Netherlands (18+ Million)

The Holy Spirit speaks through me
All those dead people must be removed immediately after the Sting virus.

When I brought that up in prayer, what to do with so many corpses, something very strange happened to me that when I spoke it, I suddenly spoke words that the Holy Spirit made me speak. I have experienced this before. But, here it was clearly about the Billions of people who will be killed by the Sting virus September 2024).

Now see what the Holy Spirit made me pronounce:
“When the Great Revival breaks out, the Holy Spirit will have mercy on all these dead people. They will be taken away by the Holy Spirit.”  – And that was it. I could not have made this up, impossible. I was also not prepared for the Holy Spirit to give me such an answer.

Brothers and sisters: This is a Rapture! Exactly after 3 days (72 hours) all these dead bodies will be taken away by the Holy Spirit!

The Silver Cord
All Corona dead are buried and cannot be called a Rapture.
With the Sting virus deaths, the Silver Cord* is still connected to the body.
Normally, the Silver Cord is released from the body after 3 days (72 hours).
(The Sting virus) The only advantage that nominal Christians and unbelievers have with this is that the Silver Cord is broken after 72 hours, or sooner.
They do not have life in heaven, but somewhere else to their own Horror.
The Lord also meets those people so that they will not see the false Prophet.
Perhaps they are buried somewhere!
I immediately thought of Moses. He went up the mountain and was no more. Perhaps the Lord took him up and buried him. At least, that is a suspicion, because his body could no longer be found.
The same thing is now going to happen again with those 2,3 Billion dead bodies worldwide.
This shows clearly to be a Rapture.
*) See details: The Silver Cord

(still a nerve body up to 72 hours!)

The Great Awakening
(The Holy Spirit and Water Baptism)
Many people do not yet know that they are saved
See text: (Matt.22:9-10) “Go ye therefore into the highways, and as many as ye shall find, bid to the marriage. (10) So those servants went out into the highways, and gathered together all as many as they found, both bad and good: and the wedding was furnished with guests.”
On Thursday (11-04-2024 / 22:25) the Lord revealed the following to me.
Many people and parents of young children will be baptized by the Holy Spirit.
Since this will involve more than 2,3 Billion people, the Holy Spirit must apply underwater baptism, because many will not have time for it.
All small children up to 7 years old will be by all means taken up with the Rapture. In this case, it does not matter whether the parents are believers or not. The children (up to 7 years old) of devilish parents will also be taken up. These are all children of innocence. But from parents who have not complied with water baptism, their children from the age of 7 or 8, will all be left behind.
Why are many parents with children not baptized by the Holy Spirit? Their children could then be saved. Well, that has to do with the fact that these parents never wanted to accept and embrace Christianity. The Holy Spirit avoids all these heartless people. They simply cannot be convinced. The Holy Spirit looks at the heart!
The Great Revival only brings the simple, meek people to insight and conversion.

From many Christian parents who have complied with water baptism, will their children up to 12(!) years old all be taken up. This is because these children have been sanctified by their parents.

Dark orange clouds of the three days Sting virus

All Sting virus Dead Will Be Taken Up
Water Baptism by the Holy Spirit
Water baptism will begin from the moment the Holy Spirit is poured out over the entire world. That begins right at the end of the Sting virus. There will be Christians who think that in the Great Revival, through the power of the Holy Spirit, they would be able to raise the Sting virus dead.
But… that is not possible. Because at the moment the Great Revival begins, all people who have been killed by the Sting virus will be taken away and taken up.
All non-Christians (World People) will also be taken away by the Holy Spirit. Because the Christians would certainly be able to bring the many Christians back to life again and with that also the non-Christians! That is why both are taken away by the Holy Spirit.
Whoever can grasp it, let him grasp it!
(He that is able to receive it, let him receive it!)

Text: New American Standard Bible (NASB) and the King James Bible

and completed by prophecies according to (John 16:13)

Mysterious Rapture of the 2,3 Billion Deaths

(DZG// Monday Aug 26, 2024) – (Update: Aug 28, 2024)

Source: Photos, Images, Pictures and Drawings
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